Snowy Denver Days
We spent two days in Denver for our snowy vacation, and the weather was definitely on our side. On the first day we got a warm sunny start, with enough snow to explore and have a good time. Snow angels, a collaborative fort, snowball throwing all around and tiny snowmen in Capitol Park. My favorite part of this day I call Mission Impossible. Gaius carefully put together a little snowball and got an extremely mischievous look on his face. He slowly and quietly stalked his way up to Mara, planning to throw it at her. He got really close, just behind her, as she was so focused on building her fort. After a long, tense, suspenseful moment of quietly holding the snowball high, ready to throw it.... Bam!!! He missed. The projectile narrowly passed by Mara's back even though the two of them were barely two feet away. Mara never noticed, parents snickered quietly at the cuteness of the mission. Gaius moved on to the next targ...