I'm Really Good at Soccer

If you ask Gaius about it, he'll tell you over and over, with a sparkle in his eye that's hard to mistake for anything but excitement: "I'm really good at soccer!"

He tells many stories, and as a typical 4yo he's winning in every single one, so we were taking it all with a grain of salt.

That is, until this morning, when Greg was dropping Gaius of at school and got the message separately from two of the schoolteachers (one in his classroom, one in a different classroom):

Greg: A teacher at the [school] just told me that Gaius is really good at soccer. That he has a lot of control and is very patient with playing with the younger children.
And if I did not say it already, Kylie [his teacher] said the same thing, that he is a natural dribbler.
So there may be more to it that just a 4yo's desire for greatness. We better get him some more soccer opportunities... 


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