I Want to See Fae-Fae!

Three months of a new human life in our midst, and not a single morning passed without us hearing these sweet, sweet words:

Mara: I want to see Fae-Fae!

Genuine, heart-felt, unquestionable desire to just stare at each other smilingly holding hands. 
Or explore the world above together.

I thought it would fade after the first few months, as novelty often does. But there's no sign of that! As soon as her eyelids crack open in the morning, Mara's very first thought is of Fae. She'd rather be late for school, miss her breakfast, or any other morning mishap, but she absolutely needs to see Fae Fae. 

And that carries on through the day, at school pickup, at home, before dinner, at bedtime.

And Fae loves it. She basks in Mara's smiles, with her pretty blue eyes wide open, as if to share as much of her soul as she can.

But really, I'm not exaggerating.


And drawing everyone else in, as well.
Everyone indeed.


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