Mara's Baptism
We are happy to let you know that Mara is now baptized as a Romanian Orthodox Christian with the given name Mara Ileana! Mara Ileana Tener, freshly baptized as a Romanian Orthodox Christian As per Romanian tradition, we baptize babies at anywhere between 2 weeks and 6 months. We decided that three months was a good time. So far, the only instances when something out of Mara's, or my control got her upset were her vaccines. Those painful experiences happened right in my arms or Greg's, thus we could provide comfort immediately. This would be different. No pain, but possible fear of strangers and strange places, plus getting startled by some unusual things happening to her. And no mommy and daddy to give her that safety rope. First off, to better explain what would happen on that special day, we first have to explain Mara's bath time personality a little bit so that you can understand her better. Mara's Bath Time Mara is very intrigued by bath time: she first ...