October 2013 Highlights

Napping on people is best napping!
How to look smug while sporting a Moby wrap.
Flower power
8-weeks magic trick: take a smiling baby out of a red velvet top hat!
Mommy loves watermelon a little too much!

As per the tradition were starting, here are the auto-generated milestones from this past month:

Oct 3, 2013:
Mara pointed accidentally at daddy
at 11:36 PM by Greg

Oct 8, 2013:

Mara slept through daddy putting her pajamas on
came off breast feeding. she made some noise but otherwise was fine.
at 01:24 AM by Greg

Mara grabs (4min)
she grabbed mommy's t-shirt and hung on for a long time during the feeding, through a position change even.
from 01:43 AM to 01:47 AM by Elena

Mara Projectile pooped several inches away, almost shooting off the diaper changing station.
got it on my leg and hand.
at 09:01 AM by Greg

Mara discovers something new
She did a great workout on the glider's foot rest with mommy's hands ensuring she won't wiggle her way off it. Every motion she did influenced the rocking so she was very intrigued, arms wide open, feet kicking attentively and smiles on her face and lots of cooing! she even grabbed mommy's hands in her fists and used that as leverage, but in a very controlled and attentive way. Wiggles-to-rocking causality! we'll have to do more of this.
at 09:11 AM by Elena

Oct 9, 2013:
Mara participated in an event (2h15min)
Baby sleeping class!
from 05:45 PM to 08:00 PM by Elena

Oct 10, 2013:
Mara participated in an event
Greg applied the Cat Nap technique on Mara to quiet her into sleep, for the first time.
at 03:04 AM by Elena

Mara participated in an event
Elena applied the Cat Nap for the first time to help keep fussy Mara through Transitional Sleep toward Wave/REM Sleep
at 05:19 AM by Elena

Mara participated in an event
First hot night with a sweaty baby. We moved upstairs to give Willow space to move with the injury & cone. Thermostat is downstairs though, so we we're twiddling the heater and windows to keep it under 80F. Mara was sweatty in her PJs after the morning bout of heat.
at 09:13 AM by Elena

Mara participated in an event
First night with only one feeding! Mara slept through fusses for 5h straight!
at 09:20 AM by Elena

Mara participated in an event (36min)
Elena carried Mara in the Moby wrap for the first time! we went on a walk around the block, with Greg and grandma Tammy who is visiting for the weekend! We met two of our awesome neighbors again and introduced Mara to them!
from 04:16 PM to 04:52 PM by Elena

Mara participated in an event
6th weekiversary!!!
at 05:40 PM by Elena

Oct 11, 2013:
Mara participated in an event (30min)
Last postpartum meeting with Lin. Tammy got to meet our awesome midwife!
from 11:45 AM to 12:15 PM by Elena

Oct 12, 2013:
Mara participated in an event (2h59min)
Jason, Lindsey and Brady visited us! Brady is gorgeous, it's so funny that they grow so fast, he's twice Mara's size and only about 3 months older. Awesome seeing them, it always gives us so much positive energy seeing how well they are doing !
from 04:30 PM to 07:30 PM by Elena

Oct 13, 2013:
Mara participated in an event
We put on the watermelon outfit!!
at 09:29 AM by Elena

Mara rolls front to back
while wearing her watermelon outfit!!
at 09:31 AM by Elena

Mara participated in an event
Mara just passed the mark for 200h registered sleep! we are missing the accounts for the hospital time, so real hours probably passed 200 a few days ago.
at 10:44 AM by Elena

Mara discovers something new
We wore a bib for the very first time! we picked the watermelon one for cutesies
at 01:13 PM by Elena

Oct 14, 2013:
Mara discovered something new (1min)
If you wiggle hard on the changing table and you are not centered you might hit your hand on the wood! Surprisingly, that makes you startled and then sad and then you cry a little bit until mommy comforts you. Comforting is nice.
from 01:16 AM to 01:17 AM by Elena

Mara discovers something new
She touched a toy with her hand while wiggling in the jungle gym and it rattled. Most likely incidental, still cute!
at 11:06 AM by Elena

Mara discovered something new
she just discovered that her right fist can ALSO go into her mouth for soothing
at 06:10 PM by Elena

Oct 15, 2013:
Mara participated in an event (2min)
fell asleep "on the job" and started snoring
from 05:27 AM to 05:29 AM by Elena

Mara participated in an event (34min)
We had a hangout with grandma Vasilca from Romania! This is the first time Mara sees grandma on the screen, and she was following her around with her eyes!
from 01:14 PM to 01:49 PM by Elena

Oct 16, 2013:
Mara discovered something new
Mara discovered that touching the blue elephant on the gym makes it rattle, and got startled, then did it again! then got hungry so we went to the nursing chair instead.
at 12:06 PM by Elena

Oct 18, 2013:
Mara participated in an event
she hung up the phone with her left fist while we were talking to daddy. I guess she likes him more in person :-P
at 12:05 PM by Elena

Mara participated in an event (25min)
Mara wanted really badly some time outside! we checked out the backyard and even went out front! she took long looks at the huge olive tree at our front door. 
from 02:56 PM to 03:21 PM by Elena

Mara discovers something new (7h)
We heard something completely new to Mara: a ton of chirps all day from our new-and-improved canary bird Galben that got back from the vet after surgery to remove an awfully hurting stuck feather. Galben is so much more happy now, and in thanks he filled our ears with songs that kinda disturbed our naps.
from 09:54 AM to 04:55 PM by Elena

Mara participated in an event
Mara met honorary uncle Juraj for the first time!
at 09:19 PM by Elena

Oct 19, 2013:
Mara participated in an event (9min)
she giggled a whole lot in her sleep this morning! so cute! can't wait till she does it with intent, my heart will probably implode, then reassemble from its ashes.
from 07:30 AM to 07:39 AM by Elena

Mara discovers something new
she was spotted suckling briefly on her thumb instead of the whole fist
at 06:06 PM by Elena

Oct 20, 2013:
Mara discovers something new
She saw the cat for the first time! Willow was licking herself loudly on the contrasting hardwood floor. Mara stared quietly for about a minute till Willow walked away.
at 08:30 AM by Elena

Oct 21, 2013:
Mara participated in an event
The first round of immunizations!
at 12:32 PM by Elena

Mara participated in an event
Googleween and visit to daddy's office!
at 03:34 PM by Elena

Mara participated in an event
8th weekiversary! we spent it crying because of immunizations :-( 
at 05:40 PM by Elena

Oct 25, 2013:
Mara participated in an event
Mara met auntie Natalie's dad Mr. Grib on the webcam! 
at 10:15 AM by Elena

Mara participated in an event
The first round of immunizations!
at 12:32 PM by Elena

Mara discovers something new
she took her first walk in a stroller! she almost feel asleep by the end, but one stroller wheel went off the path right next to our backyard door and she woke up.
at 04:57 PM by Elena

Oct 26, 2013:
Mara participated in an event (32min)
went to church for the first time!
from 12:45 PM to 01:17 PM by Elena

Oct 28, 2013:
Mara transferred to cosleeper!!!
didn't wiggle at all when I put her down. failed 3 times before this. each time only way to get her back to sleep was to put her over my shoulder. when I was sure she was sleeping I waited 5 min then over the course of 2 min transferred her to hands on back, then slowly lowered her to bed. 2 minutes later I moved my hand fr beneath her back. two minutes after that I moved hand from head. waited 1 minute hovering. then slowly backed off and am writing this. it is 80f
at 10:46 PM by Elena

Oct 31, 2013:
Mara participated in an event
went trick or treating on our street!
at 04:39 PM by Elena


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