
Showing posts from January, 2011



a picture for you

G: Why thank you!

This is my left foot

This is my left foot. Let me know if you need me to redo it.

Surprise! SBUL Hat Tournament this Sunday, January 30th

G: It's funny because of the "supwise!" E: I don't see the funny :-( as usual :-( G: Oh, it's just the image with the cat in it that's funny. E: Oh I hadn't seen that! cool!

From Japan, taken with Flip

E: was looking at these...   G:  Those bunnies are awesome! I'm glad the crotch in that photo is yours! <3 E.  did you see what the dear is doing at my crotch? ... me : the deer was sticking her tongue out to me    to my crotch    i took the frame with the longest tongue 1:59 AM  Greg : yeah    does the flip have software to pick out the frames?   me : i used something else    flipshare is a pain 2:00 AM  but supposedly it does it   Greg : what'd you use?   me : i used AVS   Greg : cool   me : it seems the best for movie editing so far    can do audio + effects + stuff in overlapping timeline   Greg : that's what it says on google   me : and you can speed up videos too 2:01 AM  Greg : that's really useful   me : yes it's nice


G: I can blackmail you for anything now. [Disclaimer: I was trying to say his brother's name to see if the Android voice recognition would work. The only things I said were: "Firstname Lastname". Well, you get the jist]

Re: < 3

Love you!!!!!!!!!! I always mean it, and this time I mean it even more if that makes any sense at all! I love how you wake me up every morning and talk to me about nonsense things, even though sleep is the one non-negotiable thing about you! I love how you don't need to say you love me, because everything about you says you do; and yet you still say it because you know it makes me smile and get happy. I love how you sometimes say "Niu!" unknowingly. I love how together we've taught everyone around us the word "pisica". I love how much I love to do stupid little things for you, like folding an origami fish or knitting a heart. I love how blindly I trust you and have complete faith in how you feel about me! I love how I can love you, and kitty, and others, and a whole lot in the world and still feel like my love is undivided between them. I love how you make me a better person just by being who you are. I love ... you! E.

Subject: < 3

Couldn't find sleep, so I got up and was reading about html5. One of the demos was at multiuserpad/ which is really cool. There were two other people there just not doing much. So I drew a heart and kitty and they added on different eyes, a tail, a mouse (they attached the mouse's tail to the heart) and a little boy attached to the tail. I was so proud that they didn't draw any penises that I could tell! Gonna try to sleep again. Love, -Greg-

Body Browser - Google Body exploration with HTML5.