FaeT-AT Walker

Well, Fae just took five steps this evening.

Full-on steps, no question about it, each little one with a slight hesitation but then pushing confidently forward. They weren't big; she advanced just about a foot forward overall, but that was a huge leap forward in her life and that's what matters.
The motivation? She did it because she needed - definitely, absolutely needed - to grab Gaius's enticing Outfoxed board game. Because it had four "choking hazard" pieces on it and thus it was essential for her to get at them and bat her little hands all over the board.

Anyway, this is big. She turned nine months of age only a week ago. If you know your baby milestones, this is quite the earliest end of the spectrum - walking is more like a twelve months thing. Mara and Gaius were both right on the curve: walking when they turned one year old. Fae is doing her own thing though. Greg keeps joking that he's gonna Call the Baby Police on her and ask them to pull her over for speeding. Yeah, we're in trouble. Now we have a very determined young lady here that can go places and do things. She'll do it all with a mischievously cheerful smile, because she can. Fae needs no other reason.


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