Giant Fig Tree - Largest in North America

In Santa Barbara, California, thrives a giant. In fact, it is the largest fig tree in North America, the Moreton Bay Fig Tree. Yes, a Fig Tree - with actual figs strewn about, although now with the drought they were not so juicy. You can lean on its roots, climb up on its trunk till where the branches spread out, or hide between its ridges. A great hide-and-seek spot for both kids and adults. 

Here's our family playing between its giant roots; scroll to the bottom to get an idea of the actual scale, which is hard to comprehend.


Two ladies shyly making an acquaintance with the giant.

 Here's an interesting thing we noticed about nowadays toddlers: they seem to take amazingness as a common day-to-day thing. Maybe it's because we, the parents, strive to always show them things we find outstanding, so a zebra becomes common. Or maybe they simply enjoy the world at level 100, regardless of whether it's a random leaf in the yard, or a world-unique natural wonder, they are both wonderful.

In this case, Gaius was about as impressed as if he had seen a railing by the sidewalk:
 Kinda cool, let's try to touch it, lean on it ... oh wait, did you see that stick on the ground? Very cool stick. And a ball [which was in fact a dry fig]...

... until he saw Mommy up there, so a new thing seemed attainable:

 So up he went,  Gaius climbing a giant tree.
 ♫ There's no mountain hiiiiigh enough ♫

Even from far away, we still couldn't fit the entire Moreton Bay Fig Tree in the camera viewport.  Larger than most buildings we see around. Go visit.


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