Legos and The End of DnD

Gaius is a wonderfully passionate story teller. He will talk for hours, once he finds an interested ear, and the worlds he creates are uniquely intriguing, filled with characters like DinDin, and PowerMan, and Mover (who doesn't actually move!).

This week we went to Lego BrickFest for the first time, and both older children enjoyed it:

Darth Vader encounter:
Casual until the real life storm trooper walked in, at which point all Tener children decided to keep an eye out (including Fae, who was making sure Gaius and Mara's backs are covered):
and the actual photo with everyone smiling:
Free-building architectural structures
Glowing bricks structures looked gorgeous in the black light:
Here's a random kid who loved Mara's glowing bricks creation and started playing with it after we put it down:

Mass group project to make a Lego floor Mosaic, we built three tiles for it:
And we wrote our names on the Lego wall:
Gaius decided to write his name right-to-left as a true nonconformist:
And Greg did the hard work on Fae's behalf:

At the end, we picked up our choice of detail Lego pieces. Mara got beautiful gems, and Gaius and Elena gathered some interesting helmets.

These last character pieces led to creating some new interesting heroes and more story telling at home that afternoon.
Here's the excerpt of Greg trying to co-create some part of that adventure, and how Gaius definitely shut that down:

Greg: I steal all of your character's money.
Gaius: No you can't do that.
Greg: I work really hard and earn a lot of money and use it to buy the things.
Gaius: No, you are just saying things.

I laughed so hard! In my mind, that last line deflates the whole concept of storytelling games like Dungeons and Dragons. No, your are just saying things. End of conversation... Or maybe it proves that there can only be one Dungeon Master - Gaius.


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