Happy 2-Monthiversary, Fae

This morning Fae had some special quiet one-on-one time with Mommy and Daddy. Why? It just happened naturally, she looked awfully cute and sweet after morning nursing, so we just cooed at each other for a long time until Daddy walked in on us. He said: Honey, we need to pack. and naturally lied down in my place to coo with Fae instead, while I got up and started packing.
Several minutes later Mara and Gaius excitedly walked into the bedroom of the chalet because they wanted to see Fae.

She scrunched her face into a little frown, and started to prepare to almost cry. I say that so awkwardly, because it was how it happened, she never really got to do the actually crying, just that preparation to fuss and get upset. Greg changed her position and she relented. Or maybe she saw Mara's bright smile and was ok.

After packing everything up and finally starting to drive to catch her early nap for the ride back, or friends texted us to say Happy Monthiversary to Fae! we had sillily forgotten.

Here she is on this gorgeous day, traveling across northern California towards home:
She got to meet her uncle Eric for the first time at lunch today, then nursed in the van in a gorgeous marshy setting and hour and a half north of Sacramento.
We were surrounded by flooded fields among which thousands of black water birds did their eerie dance flying from one feeding spot to the next:

Next: driving full speed to pick up Amandine for Mommy from Sacramento. We'll celebrate with Elena's favorite Romanian dessert, Fae gets to taste it 6h later...


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