Groundhog Fae

We're in the car, trying to go to our friend's bday party. Gaius and Mara went ahead with Greg, Fae stayed behind with me to get her tummy full and happiness up. 

After a good feed there's nothing better than sitting in Mommy's lap, getting ready for a healthy burp. She's quiet and happy and with that genuinely full-of-milk face, eyes half closed, shoulders slumping to rest this little giant head onto Mommy's hand.

The sun is setting on our left and the light is so intense that I face her carefully the other way. Do babies even know not to look straight at the sun? I won't chance it..

It takes about 10 seconds till all of a sudden her eyes get big: 
Oh My God, it's full of trees!

I can't take enough of the surprised look on her face, this is the first time she sees giant pine trees at sunset, against a bright clear blue sky.
So I sit and stare at this baby, who is staring at trees. Just basking in it, because of this feeling that it just doesn't get better than this.

And then it does. It gets better.
Fae suddenly sees her own shadow:

Fists go to straight into a tight fight stance.
Groundhog Day.


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