Fae's Firsts on the First

We woke up in the new year to this wonderful image:
Mara and Fae starting their decade together, and hopefully a lifetime of friendship and caring for each other. 
In Mara's own words:
Fae smiled her biggest smile to me this morning, bigger than she ever smiled before! It was this big! [and Mara smiled herself to show me how wide Fae's mouth had been]

Then Mara asked Fae to "high-five" and patiently waited for a long minute with her hand out, as Fae was wiggling her best in every possible direction to try to hit it. Eventually, she did, and Mara declared victoriously: Her very first high five! She can high five now!

Two more minutes and a couple of sneezes later we realized Fae does not do the cute post-sneeze "Aaaah" as much as she used to. Mara: She's more like us now!

Gaius got up from his bed and joined us to see the fun:
Fae was way too wiggly for Android's Night Sight feature to take a clear picture.

After a few more interactions, Gaius declared: She pointed for the first time! She pointed at me! Maybe she wants me closer. So he came really close to her. In a very natural course, Fae apparently pointed to Mara next and they swapped once more.

Then she said Ga! which we all deemed it must be Ga! for Gaius. Followed by some utterances I missed but the kids were convinced sounded like Daddy. Thus we made our way to Daddy's bed together:
Happy January 1st, 2020!


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