Buny: Poetry from Photos

It was Buny's birthday - Elena's mom, who is back home in Romania caring for little brother Mihnea.

We sent her kind thoughts by chat, and some photos from that day to share how we are doing:
She responded with poetry, lyrics she composed just then, looking at our photos:

Here's the text, in both languages:

Romanian original poem:

Mulțumesc pentru urari
Le-am primit cu bucurie
C-au venit de peste tari
Să-mi deschidă ușa mie!

Gaius seamănă cu tine
Bucățică rupta'ntreaga
Și o carte'n mana tine
Lumea sa o inteleaga

Iar blonduta durdulie
Degetele își rasfira
Parca'ar vrea... Dar nu se stie
Ce margele ea insira!

Și-o mămică fericita
Ce zâmbește cu sfiala
Și-mi trimite linistita
Toată dragostea reala

Căci numai o mama poate
Sa'nteleaga bucuria
Fiicei sale departate
Ce-a plecat din România!

Dar în lumea asta mare
Fericirea'i lucru sfant
C'ai gasit-o'n departare!

Cu mult drag și dor
Mihnea și mama

And a tentative English translation:

Thank you for the wishes
 I receive them joyfully
 As they arrived from far away
 To open up my doors!

 Gaius looks just like yourself
 As a chip from the whole,
 With a book in his hand,
 The world to understand.

 And the little chubby blondie
 Spreads her fingers widely
 As if she wanted ... though not sure
 Which beads to spread upon them!

And a happy little mommy
Who cautiously smiles
To send me peacefully
All of the truely real love.

 Because only a mother can
 Understand the joy
 Of her faraway daughter
 Who's left Romania!

 But in this big world
 Happiness is a holy thing
 You found it far away!

 With much love and longing
 Mihnea and Mother


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