I Fell in Love - Fae

I fell in love. The kind of love that makes the entire world disappear and there's just you and her, two souls staring into each other with complete and utter trust. Her name is Fae Evelyn Tener. She has the sweetest warm blue eyes which she opens sparingly, as if to let you know how precious every glance bestowed upon you really is. I've known her for a while now, at least I've known her active temperament in the long hours of the night, when she would stretch and kick and kick and kick. But last Saturday, on November 2, 2019 at 7:23am, was the first time we saw each other and held each other's hand. The first time we hugged and cuddled and fell asleep together. She was 7lbs 6oz and 20in long, head circumference of 35cm, birth Apgar score of 9/10. Yes, she's a tiny gem of a person, but passing every test thrown at her with flying colors. We've been in pure bliss for a week*, day and night, treasuring every moment we're together**. Fae has shi...