Hi Sock!

This is a conversation that started as I was putting Mara in the car seat on a Friday evening pickup. It went quickly downhill after my highly intelligent joke.

Mara is twisting around, as I try to buckle her, making my task impossible. I give her a glare, she catches on and explains:
Mara: I was just trying to look at Gaius to make him laugh.
Me: Well did it work?
Mara: No. [slightly saddened]
Me: Maybe next time you can also say something to make him laugh.
Me: Something funny. Like... "Hey, sock!"

Mara: Hey sock!
Gaius laughs heartily.
Me: See, it worked!
Greg: Honey, you should be a comedian.
Mara: Hey sock!
Gaius: Hey sock!

Everyone giggles, saying "Hey sock" over and over, until Gaius changes the tune:
All: Hey sock!
Gaius: HI sock!
That sounds different, and it gives us a pause. A very short pause, because we pick it right back up:

All: Hi sock!
Gaius: Hi sock! Low sock!
Mara bursts into song:
    Hi sock,
    Lo sock,
    Go sock
    So sock!
Mara: Goat sock, Greg!

Here's a photo that matches the end of that story:


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