Gaius's First Sentences

Gaius has been talking with half-formed words for a very long time, but this week he started making whole structures. It all started with him asking for "My shoes" last week (see note at the bottom **).

This Friday, Mara and Gaius were playing with some wood block and lining them up. She finished building and moved on, but Gaius came back after a while and a new realization came upon him. He started shouting with glee, pointing with his whole body: Choo-choo! Yes, the blocks were lined up like a train. He was ecstatic and wildly verbalizing his Eureka moment, dragging me from what I was doing: Choo-choo!

Me: I see that you have a train there, Gaius, you're right!

I sniff and make slightly non-enthused face for a split second: Gaius, do you need a diaper change?

Gaius nods and says a dismissive: Yeah.

Me: Let's go get you a new diaper!

Gaius is back to energetically pointing: Choo-choo!

Me: The train will wait for you, we'll come back after the diaper change. Say "Bye bye train, we'll be back!"

That did it. He grabs my hand with conviction and waves with his other hand as we're heading to the bathroom:

Gaius: Bye-bye choo-choo. My choo-choo. Bye-bye my choo-choo.

I did not happen to get a train photo (nor one of the ensuing diaper change, for that matter).
So here's another random recent photo of him; he was with Greg exploring outside a building and happened to walk by a window as Mara and I were exploring inside.

** As a side note, Gaius still says "Mama" for both Mommy and Mara, and I bet for others it is quite hard to understand his meaning. However, one of the wonders of growing together in a family is that we are experts at detecting the small inflections in his Mah's. My point is that I won't focus on whether or not he pronounced it right, but on what his meaning actually was. I'll leave it up to Mara to say "Mommy, Gaius did not say Shoes, he said Shoo".


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