Who's the Bigger Man

Being a 2.5yo is tough.

You finally understand that just because an adult says something does not make it a reality. So you start challenging everything. You start negotiating, testing the limits, and "pushing buttons" to see what will happen. If it goes your way, great. If it doesn't, you gain knowledge.

Mara is going through these episodes, and it is so much fun to watch Greg twist her words around to make her do his bidding:
Greg: Mara, come to me so I can put your shirt on.
Mara, collapsing to the floor: But I can't!
Greg: Why can't you come? 
Mara, frowning in concern: I am a rollie-pollie.
Greg: Alright, then roll to me so I can put your shirt on.
Mara rolls on the floor towards Greg and shirt goes on.

I, on the other hand, am not so skilled at this game.
This story is about one of these struggles to find out whether she can 'best' me.

Breakfast on a weekend. Daddy is asleep. Mara, Gaius and Mommy are at the dining table half way through our meal. Gaius has gotten bored of his chair and is sitting in my lap, and finishing the meal this way.
Mara: A grape fell down on the floor!
Mommy: It's ok, eat the other ones that are still on the plate.
Mara: But I want that one.
She points as hard as she can to it, with an intense look on her face.
Gaius gets another gulp of food from my plate, quiet and just plain happy.
Mommy: Well, you can get down from your chair and pick it up.
Mara, dramatically bending back like in an opera play, almost falling off the chair: But I can't!
Mommy: Then you can leave it there and we will clean it up after I'm done eating.
Mara: But I want the grape!
Mommy: Mara, I cannot get that grape for you right now; I am holding Gaius in my lap, we are eating. When we are done eating, I will be available and can get the grape then.
Gaius gently wiggles out of my lap, I wipe his hands and let him down to walk about.
Mara: The grape is too far away! I want that grape!
Mommy: I told you I am not available to get it for you right now. You will have to get it yourself.

Gaius quietly and happily returns to the table, holding in his little hand the Drama Grape. He hands it out to Mara without a word.  She eats it. Gaius turns to Mommy and signs "up" so I can take him back into my lap. We continue the meal in peace.

Now we know who is the bigger man.


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