First Two-Way Conversation Between The Kids

Early Wednesday morning, 8:26 am, Jun 8 2016

In the middle hallway upstairs, two kids and a Mommy are sitting on the carpet, slowly getting ready for the day. The kids are mostly naked so the 'getting ready' part is slow indeed.

Greg mumbles something from far away; I tell him I can't hear and I'm with the kids.

Mara, eagerly: I'll watch Gaius!!

In demonstration of her strong "I" emphasis, she stands up and leans slightly forward toward him with an obvious intent to "watch".

Gaius looks up at her and declares with equal emphasis: Baah!!
Mara: Where is the Ball, Gaius?

He twists his upper body in a wide arch to the left, pointing with a straight arm, hand and index finger to Mara's room.

Mara: I'll get the ball, Gaius!!

She runs in that direction.
Gaius gets up and follows her.

Mommy gets up and goes the opposite direction to get her toothbrush.


** Editor's Note: There are a lot of exclamation marks throughout their conversation. I normally try to curb down punctuation enthusiasm in writing, yet in this case they are not superfluous; the kids were indeed emphatic enough to warrant each and every occurrence of the symbol, and more.

Here are some recent photo highlights:

Mara and Gaius are playing together more and more.

So is Daddy :-)

We went to a Romanian picnic last weekend, and Gaius's main activity was walking around and finding every possible ball in that park.

Gaius's extreme love of quasi-spherical things extends further.

Mara and Mommy got to paint a ceramic planter at the Romanian picnic.


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