Gaius Sign Language - and Strong Opinions

Gaius has been making three signs for several weeks:

1. Up (he does a variation of it with both arms)
2. Tree
3. Lamp

Mara recently noticed that Mommy will point at a street light and make the "Lamp" sign, which caused some long Mommy-Mara conversations where we disagreed. She says those are "Lights", not "Lamps". Mommy believes we can use the same sign for something that produces light. The matter is still open.

Today, Gaius and Mommy were on a walk to buy milk.
Gaius loves trees. And lamps. Whenever he sees a big tree he'll "bring it up" in conversation by making the sign. When he sees a street light he does the cutest "Lamp" sign: right arm up high, then curls
the wrist toward his eyebrow.

ASL sign for:Tree
ASL sign for: Lamp
You can see in the pictures (source: that the two signs are quite similar, especially with a baby's lack of precision. Because of that, sometimes I'll misinterpret his "Lamp" sign as "Tree". But then he looks at me and does it again, more convincingly, and I stand corrected.

This happened today. Except that it was daytime. No lights were on, plenty of trees around is.

Gaius lifted his hand up, then curled his wrists inward.

"Do you see a Tree, Gaius?" I made the Tree sign myself, helpfully.

He looked at me and did it again. Once more, curling his wrist.

"Oh. Do you see a Lamp?"

He held his sign. I followed his gaze. The sun was glowing white through the hazy clouds.

"Oh, Gaius, you're right. That is a light indeed. It is called the Sun. It definitely is a light... We can call it a Lamp. It's a big, big Lamp."

Victory stance!


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