Halloween Outfits 2015

We finally get time to show you our halloween outfits this year! That's what happens with two small kids - little time to spare for the electronics. But we got to it now - still good for posterity.



Outfit: Ninja onesie from his Godmother Irina. Black pants. Makeshift headband from a sleeve of an old t-shirt that will come up later in the story.
Weapon: DIY nunchuk made out of Greg's glasses strap and some small socks sewn around the ends of the strap. Perfect for a 5mo because it's soft, stretchy and so, so, so chewable!
Photos below - many thanks to our daycare educators for taking the best ones during his "work" day!

 Here's Gaius doing his "Ninja fight stance", which turned out to be equivalent to "chew stance".

 Up close and deadly.
Yup, that smile is there just to bring you close enough for the nunchucks in his hand.

As you can see, this outfit was great because it did not interfere with Gaius's busy lifestyle.

Here's Gaius at breakfast, with his Ninja shirt showing better.
Not sure if Nunchucks are worn commonly over your shoulder, but that's what happened.

This is how we found Gaius in his carseat when we arrived at daycare. He did not seem troubled, so we can only assume he was practicing sight deprivation to hone his other senses.


Two weeks before Halloween.
Elena: What are we doing for Halloween this year, Greg? Reuse the jellyfish?
Greg: Don't know. Why don't we ask Mara. Mara, what would you like to be for Halloween?
Mara, without interrupting her avid climbing of the couch: A Buuuunny.

Three days later. Dinner time.
Elena: Mara, what do you want to be for Halloween?
Mara: A Buuuunny.
Greg: She's consistent.

Two days later. Walking to daycare.
Greg: What do you want to be for Halloween this year?
Mara: A Buuuunny.
Elena: Sounds like we'll have to make a bunny costume.

One week before Halloween, we have our first costume party to attend and it is one hour before we need to leave. Elena gathered a bunch of fluffy white cloth, ribbon, an old knit baby hat and sewing supplies.
Twenty minutes and a lot of wiggling later, the supplies are attached to Mara. She has white ears, a white furry dress, a little white tail, and white covers for her shoes to make the feet. (See photos below).
Mara: I'm a white bunny!
Happy dance, followed by focused play with the wooden magnetic blocks.
Sudden stop in play.
Mara: I want to be a... ooother buuuunny.
Elena: What kind of other bunny?
Mara: A blaaaaack one.
We explain that we'll keep the white bunny this week and next week we can do a black one too.

 Here is Bunny #1: white tunic, white paw covers, white ears, white tail.

 This is the tail - made out of an old knit hat.
 It was detachable so that it doesn't hurt in the car-seat.

 Aaand off the bunny goes!

 The ears were harder to keep on.

Day before Halloween.
One old black t-shirt gets shredded into a shirt for Mara. Black socks cover Mara's white bunny ears (we tried just the socks as floppy ears but had no good way to attach them). Black pants. Same cute white tail. Black adult-size toe-socks on her feet.
Mara: I'm a blaaaaack bunny!
Happy dance.

Bunny #2: Black shirt and pants, ears covered with Greg's black dress socks.

We also captured an ad-hoc Sistine Chapel pose that Halloween morning as we were getting ready:

And as promised, the cleanup of the Spider Webs:


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