Verbal Meanderings of a Two Year Old

Our two-year old daughter is making more and more fun statements (see the last post on this same topic if this seems fun). The correlations and causations implied are interesting, moreover when they are slightly off. Here's some of that.

Episode 1 - Comparisons
During dinner.
Mara: Mara is eating kale like a bunny at the farm.
Reference photo:

Episode 2 - Can't even...
Part of the night time routine when Mara is teething is giving her a cup of crushed ice to chew on, in the dark.  This night, Mara asked daddy to put the cup of ice on her back.
Then, she said:
"Oh my gosh there's a cup of ice on Mara's back!"

Episode 3 - VerbING
The -ing form of the verb is easy to use, right?
"Daddy, are you needing a spoon? Are you needing a spoon, Daddy?"

Episode 4 - Excited statements
"It's morning time! That means it's time to go downstairs! "

Episode 5 - Actually
She says this word in the cutest way, very hard to describe.
"Here's a spoon, Mommy. Actually, here's three!"
"Actually the water is hot, Mommy. The water is actually hot."

Episode 6 - Causation
Night time. Mara wakes up at 3am. Comes to our bedroom telling us she needs to go potty. I go to help her. All clothes come off, she's sitting on her potty looking all tired, I am collapsed on the floor in front of her. She starts talking:
"Mara has a booboo.
Because Mara cried at daycare.
Because Barack's wagon."

Another day.
"Aaah Mara's shoe is broken.
Mommy fix it with tape.
Because a raccoon.
Raccoons are not nice, Mommy!"

Episode 7 - Playing with denial
She's holding food.
"See Mommy? See?
Reach your hand out. [ I reach my hand out ]
You can not have it, Mommy.
You can not have it."

Random moment when I'm nearby and she's playing with a set of toys.
"You cannot have it.
Not the blue letters, and not the green letters, and not the pink letters.
You cannot have it."

"Right now Mara is not done.
Mara is noooooot doooone.
Right now Mara is not done.
These pages are done for Mommy to use.
This page is not done.
Mommy cannot have this one."


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