Unexpected Endings

Today's story goes in reverse chronological order: two moments about a week apart.

Episode Two

Mara scans the cover of a large atlas book about reptiles:

"This one's a lizard
And this one's a lizard
And this one's a lizard and
This one's a lizard and
This one's... pro[ba]bly a frog."

Episode One [about a week earlier]

This part needs some precursory info: for the entire time that Mara has been verbal, she's referred to herself as "Mara does this" and "Mara is that", rather than using the first person pronoun.

You can imagine our excitement when for the first time she used the word "I". First she started experimenting with phrases like "Mara is swimming by Mara's self ". 

Then, one evening:

"Mommy drinks water,
Daddy drinks water,
I drink water
Baby Gaius drinks... milk from Mommy's b**b."

P.S.: Gaius would probably want to make it known that he had no part in choosing this verbiage and is not condoning publicizing such an important aspect of his current life style.


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