Letter to Mara on her Second Year of Life

Dear Mara,

Thank you for the wide eyed smiles you give us when you quietly tip-toe into our bedroom in the morning to announce: "Mara is awake!".

For the eagerness of saying "Diaper change!" when Daddy asks you "What's the first thing we do every morning?"

For helping prepare breakfast, and for eating it together on our morning drive to daycare.

For making pancakes out of everything for us to pretend-eat.

For the special moments we share on Saturdays at Music Class, and at the Farm on Sundays! Looking at a duck had never been such fun before.

For the cuddles you give us every night when you fall asleep in your bedroom.

For reminding us to say "Good night!" to friends and family from far away and think about our day.

Thank you for welcoming Gaius into the world and into our family. We'll always remember your look of curiosity and worry as you heard his very first cry when he was born, and saw the little bundle in Mommy's arms! We saw then a thoughtful, loving big sister.

For singing lullabies to Gaius, for kissing and hugging him. For telling us he is cute, and little, and that he needs a little plane just for him when we travel.

For your smiles.

For your words.

For your walks and explorations.

For your sweet deep stares into our souls.

For opening our eyes to a more beautiful world.

Thank you.
         Mommy and Daddy and Gaius


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