Baby Gaius is Little!

Another month has passed and if I have to summarize it in one sentence, I'll quote Mara:

"Baby Gaius is Little!"

He is little, although quite big for a little one - the last doctor checkup revealed a whopping 95th percentile in all measurements. That means he's growing quite nicely. In fact, he's doubled weight since birth, which means we can fully assume he will double his weight every two months from now on. He'll probably be about 512lbs when he turns one.

Yet he's still a two month old baby, valiantly holding his head with shabby stability when he's on your shoulder. Recently, his tummy time turned into:

Lifting my head is too hard. I shall instead lift my butt really high.

But that's not really what this post is about. Of course Gaius is little. But all the cute ideas Mara shares with us about it are the topping on the cake.

Episode 1: Airplane
We flew, all four of us, to Indiana for a short family vacation. Getting ready for boarding the airplane on the way back, we were looking out the window at the aircraft, noticing how big it was.
Mara: "Mara and Daddy and Mommy go on a BIG plane!"
Mommy: "What about baby Gaius? He's coming too!"
Mara: "Baby Gaius go on a little plane!"

Episode 2: Raccoon
We are enjoying dinner at home. Gaius gets slightly fussy wanting to go bed, it is getting late. Greg stands up and walks him on his shoulder a bit.
Mara: "Mara is eating like a raccoon!"
Mommy: "How does a raccoon eat?"
Mara: "Raccoon eats with a BIG mouth!"
[A gulp of food goes down]
Mara: "Mara is a raccoon!"
[Another gulp, then a glance over the shoulder, to Gaius and Greg ]
Mara: "Baby Gaius is a little raccoon!"

Episode 3: Car
We met the nicest family of four during our trip this March in Munich, and the two daughters were so kind to give us their set of stacking cars. It just so happens that there are exactly four cars in it, and each car fits perfectly in the next bigger sized one.
This, Mara decided, must be a car family; she will eagerly point to each in decreasing size and explain:
"This is the Daddy car, and this is the Mommy car, and this is the Mara car, and this is the Baby Gaius car!"

The same goes with the Matroshka dolls that our uncle Andrei gifted us in this same trip. If any set of items has a really small piece, "that's the Baby Gaius one."

Episode 4: Rose Petals
At the San Jose Renaissance Faire, one of Queen Elizabeth's court ladies gave Mara a rose. We brought it back home and that evening Mara started pulling off the petals: "one for Mara, one for Mommy, one for Daddy and one for Baby Gaius". Baby Gaius got the little one.

Because, you see, Baby Gaius is Little!

 Mara is dedicating petals to everyone out of the bunch.
(Close-up below)
Clockwise from the top, a petal for each: Mara, Mommy, Daddy and Baby Gaius.


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