Two Kids and Two Kittens

Q: What's a recipe for endless fun?
A: Cute kids and Kittens!

That's what we found out this Sunday, visiting our good friends' home. They had adopted two sweet little cats Joey and Pacey (named after the youngsters in Dawson's Creek). You'll have to guess which is which, both Greg and I got it wrong the first time.

Here are some of the sweet moments:

Sleepy child wakes up to kitten footsteps.
She agrees to calmly go on Mommy's lap on the floor to observe.
Unbeknownst to her, another creature also calmly goes on Mommy's lap on the floor to observe.
The second lap guest gets 'spotted' (pun intended!) and we hear a squeal of joy.

 Kitten starts prowling about. I love the framing of this photo, it lets you feel the scale of things.
This is a mini-leopard, hand-sized. If you have small hands.
 Kitten expertly decides this Ottoman-to-Windowsill jump is totally doable.
It's not.

 Other kitten takes brave action in response to Mara's happy squeal: he runs far away and makes himself look huge.
It works, he is huge indeed - compare him to the wall trim. Right.

 Kittens discover Greg's shoes.
If Greg ever wears a sandal, it becomes an instant cat attractor. We should probably market this magic skill.

We learned two things:
1) Proximity to shoe implies kitten target for pouncing.
2) Being inside of a shoe is not that defensible of a position.

Mara wants to pick up a fuzzball.

Fuzzball successfully acquired.


Mara wants to offer her shoes for kitten playing, too!

She voices her plan to the kitten, in case it wasn't clear:
"Kitty-cat play with Mara's shoes!"
Still, it's not happening.

Mara adjusts the shoes carefully - it must be the angle. Just a tiiiiiny bit this way...

It works.

"Here, Daddy!"
Sharing kittens is the best kind of sharing.

Gaius's interactions with the kittens were a bit less dramatic. In one of our more quiet moments, he enjoyed following Pacey with his eyes as she was adventuring up the couch. His gaze would shift just a tad after the kitten changed position, yet the delay wasn't too long, considering he's only two months old.

Here he is, on daddy's knees enjoying the gorgeous view:


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