Welcome Gaius David Tener into the world!

Gaius David Tener was born on May 16 2015 at 10:07am, measuring 8lbs 2oz and 20in.

Mara and Daddy were alongside Mommy the entire time, helping out. Everything went way better than expected, we had a quickly progressing labor and got to the hospital 17 minutes before Gaius came into the world.

Here's a short timeline:

T-18h: The pool is finally ready to use, so Elena gets enthusiastic and swims happily for 40 minutes. She is done with the "must-happen" chores before baby #2, and the next two weeks are planned for mommy relaxation time.
T-11h (near midnight): Grandma Buny from Romania texts that she dreamed baby was coming.
T-8h (1:48am): The water breaks, but no contractions, everything is calm and peaceful. Elena calls the midwife, Maria, who says to relax and try to rest, labor should start within 6-8 hours; she texts our doula Tara to let her know. She gently wakes Greg up to tell him the news; he groggily smiles and tries to go back to sleep. Two minutes later he wakes up and asks: "Are we having a baby?"
T-7.5h: Greg calls grandparents to ask them to get a last-minute flight and come stay home with Mara while we're in the hospital. Grandma Tammy wins the argument of who gets to come first, and books a flight arriving at 7pm that day.
T-7h (3am): Mara wakes up and wants Daddy. She goes back to sleep easily and everyone rests.
T-4h: From 3am to 6am contractions happen every hour/45 min. Greg moves to Mara's room to help her sleep and sleep better himself for a few hours without interruptions.
T-4h: (7am): Contractions are every 30 min. At 7:42am they pick up the rhythm to about every 10 min; Elena gives up on resting, gets up and starts finalizing the hospital bag.
T-2.5h (8:20am): Greg and Mara wake up; At 8:34am contractions happen every 6 min, getting hard to bear quietly. Mara comes and holds Mommy's hand, and brings her books and toys into bed. She massages mommy's back with her small hands just like Daddy's.
T-1.4h (8:49am): Elena takes a quick hot shower, while Mara makes silly faces through the shower glass doors. Contractions are uneven, spaced roughly 6-10 min apart. Greg is gathering last-minute items and getting Mara's diaper change and daytime clothes.
T-45min (9:22am): The last two contractions are 6 min apart and very disruptive; we move downstairs to the couch. Mara is roaming around and munches on some Cheerios, trying to get Mommy to eat some too.
T-37min (9:40am): The last two contractions are 4 min apart; Greg makes an executive decision: "That's it! We are going to the hospital!". No one is in dissent. Mara holds Mommy's hand on the couch, helping out with big thoughtful eyes, and gathers up her shoes between contractions.
We drive to the hospital behind a car whose driver was determined to go 10 miles under the speed limit the entire time; some unkind words are uttered by the laboring mom under her breath, but they're forgiven due to circumstances.
T-17min (9:50am): We get to the hospital! Our doula meets Elena at the building entrance, and they walk through strong contractions down the corridor to delivery room. The nurse sees us walking and figures we don't need a wheel chair.
T-7min (10:00am): Our midwife is waiting by the delivery room; we are already 10 cm dilated and ready to push after medical checks. Mara is safely in Daddy's arms and looking around, pointing like a little general and saying "That Way!" as if ready to charge; they go in/out the corridor as per her requests while things are progressing fast.
T (10:07am): Baby is born!!


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