Talking about our Day

We are so fortunate that Mara's daytime providers send us photos each day around 3pm, with what Mara and her friends have been up to. This way we feel connected, we don't miss her as much when we are at work, and we get to understand some of the great moments that happened.

Two days ago I had the idea of printing two highlights of that day's album, to start a conversation with Mara in the car. It was a great experience! 

Mara immediately raised an eyebrow and spent the next 15 minutes of the car ride home talking to me about it. I prompted her a bunch:

Mommy: Do you remember this happening at Daycare today?
Mara: Yeah!
Mommy: What were you doing?
Mara: [Silence]
Mommy: Did you play with something?
Mara: Seeds.
Mommy: Sweet gum seeds, I see them. What were you doing with them?
Mara [with a big smile and lifted arms]: UP HIGH!!
Mommy: Did you lift them up in the air? Were you using that container?
Mara [serious again]: Yeah.
Mommy: Looks like you turned it upside down to poor them out.
Mara: Yeah.
Mommy [noticing another hand in the frame]: Was anyone else playing with you?
Mara [with another big smile]: Abigail!!!


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