Thanksgiving Trip

We went to see grandparents this Thanksgiving for a short trip. A great opportunity for Mommy and Daddy to go on a sweet date to watch Guardians of The Galaxy ("the modern day Star Wars" according to friends).

Mara got to have a bunch of novel experiences, and we got some more fun data about her growth and development. Here's some snapshots below.

Hugs to all!

Mara packs her bags "the right way".

Fall asleep on a swing with Daddy in luxurious Florida greens.

Practice her vocabulary with everyone around.
Grandma had the great idea of making a list of all the things Mara says at her 15th month and the whole family joined in. We gathered 91 concepts that Mara names: 87 words and 24 signs (with some overlap). She understands more but these are the ones she consistently produces when she wants something or notices something.

Play croquet. Or better said, try to steal the croquet balls from the field.

 Look cute by the side of the manatee-filled water.

Get wagon rides from Grandma and Grandpa. By the end of the trip she decided to be independent and just practice her skill at getting on and off.

Superman shopping! Yes, we did get watermelon.

Try out a lot of shoes in a store, and do a Michael Jackson stance.

Dress nicely for the Thanksgiving Dinner and show off her stair climbing.

Campfire and Smores!!

Play Battlestar Galactica the board game. Mara had no idea her parents were cylons.

Meet a friendly loving cat who shares his name with a famous poet.

Carry her luggage in the airport.
That bag contains exclusively toys and books that we got from Grandma's house!

Look charming on a plane.

Until of course you pass out from so much focus.

Overall, it was awesome!


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