Hiking at Montalvo Arts Center

Friends of ours invited us along on a very fun hike this Saturday, and we had a great time!

Mara was in the Ergo Baby carrier at first after having fallen asleep on the 11min drive from our place. She was, of course, wearing two bibs at the time - this is our new fashion statement: overlapping bibs, the more the merrier.

We found a crazy tall tree that has even crazier seed stalks, sharp as knives:

After about 10 minutes of comfortably riding on daddy, Mara wanted to join in the hike herself so we let her down. A lot of the paths here have a slope to one side, so it took some chaperoning skill to not be invasive yet ensure she is safe at all times.

But we found a lot of cool things along the way! Like these tree mushrooms:

And this pretty clover

A small creek you have to walk through to continue the hike:

And a very fun bridge that took about 15 minutes of exploration in all directions:

In the end, Mara got exhausted and went for another short cat nap on Daddy, right before we found this tree full of birdhouses. We felt like bringing one or two more because you can still see some of the bark:


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