Halloween Jellyfish

For Mara's second Halloween, we wanted a costume that she can enjoy and interact with herself, rather than just dressing her up for our own amusement. She is particular about what she wears.

Our recent trip to the aquarium had revealed a fascination with jellyfish that is probably deeply seeded in her paternal genes. Thus we decided that Mara's costume this year should be a jellyfish.

So Mara became the Bunch of Sea Creatures that a large Jellyfish is eating with its long tentacles!

The floating Jellyfish was quick and fun to make, we'll add a blog post soon with details on how to build it and link it here. This mini-project took about 40 minutes once we had all the materials.

For the outfit, we sewed little sea creatures on a blue shirt, and throughout the day she liked to pull them and show them to us. A blue fish came off eventually but Mara stopped and picked it up and held it in her hand the rest of the time, so she was definitely fond of her decorations.

Here's Mara holding her Jellyfish. 

Every time the Jellyfish came low enough to tickle Mara's face with its soft tentacles, she smiled and shied off in the cutest little shoulder shrug. Then she would turn to it for more.

 We were enjoying those moments so much that we forgot about the camera so we didn't really catch a good snapshot. So here's an after-shot when Mara is happily walking holding her fallen blue fish.

Here's a happy Bunch of Sea Creatures with nautical themed pants walking around with Daddy.

This day was at the Googleween for Kids event, the organizers did such a wonderful job at setting up an Alice in Wonderland environment. We had wondered whether Mara was too young to enjoy it, but it was perfect! Mazes, and gardens with butterflies, giant caterpillars and flamingos, and our favorite: the free play Flamingo Croquet field.


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