Nose Scrunchies

It's been about ten days since Mara started to crinkle her nose at people.
It gets a laughter every time, from parents, grandparents who were luckily visiting, even strangers at Panera.

We stopped at the Santa Cruz campus this weekend, on a very cool tree trunk bench. Passersby going to a children learning in nature conference all got sweet greetings from the crinkle-nosed baby who was practicing her stance on the bench.

How to get from the ground all the way up a tree trunk bench, and beyond.


Even cuter!!!

 Mara is showing off her bear walk. This is the more advanced version, where you are also holding a stick. Bears haven't figured that one yet, which is why Mara is far superior to them.

This is when Greg found out that Grandma had been secretly feeding Mara sweet stuff.

The forests near UC Santa Cruz campus are quite gorgeous. This image was literally 30ft away from one of the dorms. On the way back to the main road there's a stunning view of the ocean, full of serene sail boats on the day we visited. Didn't get to take a photo though, so you'll just have to go there to convince yourself :-)

And a final close-up of the scrunchy face!


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