Some photos/videos from our trip to Seattle

These are from a while back from when we took a trip to Seattle (in April) for a few days. We ended up staying in two places, so some videos are from the first place, and some from the hotel (second place). She had just learned to crawl forward the week before.

Some tissues on the bed were really exciting

She attacks them again

 Lots of "broom"ing in this one

Mara on the train on our way from the airport

Just hanging out with Mommy

Our first view of the skyline!

We encounter a troll

Mara sits on its knuckle

A panorama from the Chihuly museum (all glass)

 Mara really liked looking up at the glass

I thought this was a real plant. Until I saw it was glass

We were right next to the space needle

Mara happily squeals on the hotel bed

Our friends take a photos of us with the Seattle skyline in the background. It's waaay past Mara's bedtime.

Mara finds a copy of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy in the EMP Museum (it has scifi/fantasy/music)


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