Bookshelf fun

Another visit to the library ended up in cute crawling through the isles, with plenty of stops to bang hands on the shelves.

Mara reached up for books several times, as if to check the titles. I guess either none of the books were satisfactory, or the bottom shelf was still fun but less physically demanding, because she went back to the bottom shelf pretty quickly.

Then we went to the special baby items on the floor - they have some awesome low-mounted wall toys for infants. One is a cool convex mirror with a gem toy she immediately grabbed. Another is a wheel that rotates a long mechanism - she can't wait to do this herself but she's still a bit young. Most loved were two green wood frogs with moving legs that are just right to munch on.

I myself had a fun time looking at books with baby slowly crawling after me through the isles. The environment feels so safe for her, they did a great job planning this place.

Libraries are fun!


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