First time in the grass

This Saturday we went to a music class as a family.
It's a research-based program that introduces kids/babies to music very early on. This one is provided through but there's plenty of similar programs in the US and other countries as well.
On top of the musical benefits, Mara gets to see lots of babies of different ages move around, laugh and play. Yay social time!

After the class we played in a nice little green area with a gorgeous water fountain.
Mara got to sit in the grass for the very first time!

She was quite intrigued, in spite of the cold weather and damp ground.

Then we got to play in the water fountain and she wiggled at it so much that Greg ended up letting her touch the stream. Needless to say how much water we had to wipe off of every part of her body right after.

In other news, she is now pushing her upper body up on her hands, started pretty much the day before these photos. She even moved herself a quarter-rotation (90degrees) around by walking her hands to the right so she can see me better today.

Here's a stance from that day, with her serious camera face - she often puts the seriousness on as soon as she sees any type of camera pointed at her. I guess she doesn't want to be known as a frilly baby.


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