Troubleshooting sleep - Getting better!
Mara is becoming a better sleeper! On Valentine's day she gave mommy a great gift: a 5h stretch of sleep till after midnight! That is textbook "sleep through the night". It happened after two days of fever, so it's probably the deep healing sleep after you're sick, but we all benefited from it. Happy Mommy Day! Since then, we've been so lucky to get several two-hour cycles every single night! Usually two before midnight, one till around 2-3am and one from 4-6am. The only major feedings are at midnight and 3-4am, the rest of the time she is just trying to figure out sleep. What had changed? Step 1 We had done 3h daytime feedings as per our pediatrician's advice. It didn't do anything at all for over two weeks, other than making a slightly crankier baby. Step 2 Another piece of advice was that she might not be getting enough milk right before bedtime, so we did pumping 1h after every feeding, paired with the nursing tincture from ...