
This is not the blanket you are looking for...
(Thanks for kitting this Rochelle!)

I'm supposed to sit up? But I'm not even 3.5 months yet!
(Just a few seconds ago there was an Elephant near my face!)

She'll never see it coming
(This quilt was brought over by Tammy and used to be Eric's given by his grandma)

Mara impersonating the elephant.

Fun fact: the day Dean brought us this quilt that Amanda designed herself - Thank you!! - mommy felt the very first kick from Mara. It was so new and exciting, but we weren't yet ready to share it so we never told Dean. We just emailed Amanda in secret instead.

This blanket? too small for me? Nah

It's perfect for the side daddy's not warming up.
... I was driving my car on the street, and holding my blanket like so...

It's a cape!

Lavender camouflage quilt when stalking the kitty.
The kitty will never find me under here.
(Thanks Kathleen for sewing this! She's now, at 4.5 months, starting to love eating the tags)


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