Woodpeckers in our pine tree!

There were two woodpeckers knocking in the pine tree in our backyard today, it looked like a couple but the male (he had a pretty red mark on his head) got shy when I brought the camera out. I didn't want to disturb them too much, in case they feel like making a home here, so I used the telephoto lens and didn't insist too much, but here's the female!

Fun facts
Woodpeckers pretty much "knock on wood" all day long :-P
They will never ever get a concussion because their cranium is specially shaped to distribute the impact from the beak toward the back of the head, and their brain is specially cushioned.
Their main diet consists of grubs and insects found beneath the bark of trees. Thus...
If you were to tell a horror story to a family of grubs, you would begin with "Knock, knock!"


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