Smiles and Baby Despotism

This was a magical week. Mara started to consistently give us the most genuine smiles we could have ever imagined. Her whole face lights up, she smiles with her mouth, cheeks, eyes, nose and eyebrows all at once and instantly fills you with joy.
It is such a precious moment that I don't even dare fetch the camera, I just sit with her and bask in the happiness she bestows upon me.
So today we're going with a sleepy baby photo instead, wearing the awesome onesie +Carolyn Au got us from her trip through London - thank you!!

On the other hand, we had a major shift from the adorable, quiet and observant baby to one who just can't get enough of the world. And oh, is she demanding!!
As soon as the morning drowsiness leaves her eye lids we embark on a journey of saying "Good morning!" to everything in the bedroom, and on the way downstairs. She arches and curls in my arms to see it all. The message is much too clear: if you don't want to risk dropping your precious load, you better turn to face where Mara wants. You cannot dare to put Mara down till she sees the mirror in the hallway and the kitchen and finally the backyard.

These despotic episodes happen about twice a day, and they are hilarious. We might have to learn to accept who is the boss in this household...


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