Mara discovered the hanging Lamaze flutterbug!

It's been a few days now that Mara has been looking curiously at the underside of the Lamaze Flutterbug (thank you, +Alexandru Erbiceanu and +Natalia Grib!)  we had hung on top of the changing table. She focuses on it so intently, you can see her "serious face" here:

This custom-made adjustable little crane arm that +Gene Tener made for us was definitely a great idea. It swings down and out-of-the-way for when you don't want it around; it has several peg holes of alternating horizontal & oblique angles for the arm that hovers over the table. The tip of the hanging piece is padded for added protection with an eraser, +Tammy Tener's vital contribution to the project; we initially were considering metal hooks, imagine how safe that would feel when leaning toward the baby...

If you consider all it is: two pieces of wood, one screw and two cut-up erasers, it's pretty darn cool, and it works wonders!
Thank you, grandparents!!


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