Hiatus is over!

We created this blog a few years ago with a specific purpose: to send/share cute thoughts and memories with each other as means of expressing affection while we were dealing with a the struggles of a long distance relationship. History had proven to me that distance is one of the worst stressors you can apply to the dynamics of a couple.

My friend Hanh had recommended this book to me that had given her enlightenment on her relationship with her parents. The gist of it is that different people express love through a combination of different means. One category will understand love as spending quality time together. Some will use words extensively to show caring for each other,  like "I love you" and "you look beautiful this morning". Others are more physical on the matter, using touch - hugs, kisses, caresses, massage. And others yet show affection by buying gifts or doing things for the other person; these last two types are a little harder to figure out if you are not part of the same group.
Well, learning about this made us be more aware of the differences between us and let us understand that we each require different signs of affection from the other in order to feel loved. One thing that we noticed we had in common was that we would think of the other several times a day with fondness, and felt like sharing simple little quotidian things that would happen to us. Distance and especially the time difference made that harder, as often enough phone calls were not feasible because the other person was sleep or at work. Emails worked pretty well but with my short term memory I would only remember the last one that happened and not the abundance of events and so I would still feel lacking.
That's how we decided to gather it all up in a simplistic blog where I could go through the posts whenever I felt a need for reassurance that "we're doing fine".
The name of the blog is a reference to Han Solo's words in Star Wars.

Today though we are switching gears! Our gorgeous baby daughter Mara Ileana

has joined the family, and history repeats itself as the trio+cat are now far away from every other relative. Greg's parents and brother are on the other coast, my family is in Europe, and everyone is so eager to be a part of Mara's life!
So we are bridging the gap once more by counting our experiences here in one spot. Emails are too discontinuous, posts on social networks would not reach everyone. Blog is revived!!

Hugs to all!


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