Best way to put a baby in the Moby Wrap

Mara's Grandma is here visiting again for 4 days, and we all went on a walk around the block. I got to wear the Moby Wrap for the very first time, Greg had been doing that until now and he's already a veteran.

I'll have to admit, the wrap with its humongous tails of cloth is quite daunting when you first start out. We had to watch both our pre- and post-partum doulas doing it to Mara, and then also watch a ton of videos online.

There was only one video that made the turning point for us, so we would recommend just watching this one - you will feel a lot safer and more comfortable doing it, and the baby will love it too (the other techniques, even when used by the experienced people, had made Mara cry or grunt a little while putting her on).
Here it is, linking to the part that is the most useful: Check out the full video if you don't know how to put the wrap around you, but i found the description in the booklet that comes with it informative enough on the matter.

The key point to remember is that you are not putting the baby in the wrap, you are wrapping the Moby around the baby!
At each stage, you need to pull the cloth out and stretch it far, then position the loop onto the baby's body and around the limbs, and let it go onto the baby.
After you practice for about a week you will get the hang of it and it will seem easy and even fun!

Here is Mara, all exhausted after the nap in the Moby:
Walks around the block are hard!


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