Willow parenting

Mara woke up with a very large pooopy diaper that was leaking pee out the back. "Yay!" says Greg and gets up drowsily while Mara is fidgeting, I open one eye lid and close it back swiftly as soon as I see that Greg "has got it". My 3am-10am shift was over an hour ago.

It turns out that Mara was very hungry, she had been going through a growth spurt for the past two days. Thus she is crying a lot while Greg is sleepily yet cheerfully changing her diaper. I am still kind of aware of this happening, but my body is not letting me wake up to care for her, I am too deep in sleep.
Suddenly, Willow comes to the bed and tramples me painfully while meowing sharply, and jumps on and over my thorax several times left and right for good measure. She had exhibited similar behaviors in the past, to get attention yet this time it was much more violent; she didn't look alarmed and she didn't want petted. She was just thoroughly trampling!
She calmed down when I finally sat up in bed "looking alive", then walked over to the center of the room, sat down peacefully with her front paws curled up under her and started calmly examining the scene as Greg turned around with the little baby in his arms to bring her to me for a morning feeding & soothing.
We realized later Willow was just making sure I am awake to feed Mara - cool instincts for a kitty that got neutered at 3 months of age, right? 


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