Why mascot landmarks are cool

We are comfortable enough during feedings now that I can do minimal chores on the tablet some of the time. Thus, I get to look up more solutions for the whitefly infestation in the trees in our back yard, order a new population for the worm factory 360 to replace the ones that reached a tragic end in the watermelon flood, and some ladybugs to eat the afids off our vines while making our garden a happy place.

I also finally get to check the Popular-Social-Network-that-Everyone-Complains-About-yet-Uses-Extensively for updates on friends, especially because our friends Matt & Kellyn from back home are expecting their second baby 2 weeks after Mara! The baby is past the due date already so we're all anxious for the big event.
As usual, entering the magical blue universe of posts to check a specific piece of information turns into a seemingly never-ending dive into "what is everyone up to nowadays?". During my virtual preambles a glimpse to a photo of a dear college friend who currently lives in Germany makes me double back: first, the photo is with a landmark on campus at my workplace.

My next train of thoughts went like this: "Wow, I didn't know Irina had traveled to this coast, let alone visited my workplace! I feel like I should ask her how she liked it and issue a recurring invite if she ever happens to come again...". Then it dawns on me: that Android landmark had been installed a mere 2 weeks ago! When had my friend been in town? Turns out she was here now and was able to stop by our house for an evening of catch up!! Yay for stalking people online because you might get a chance to even see them in person!
So I guess this social network is not that evil after all...

The visit was awesome, and we got to meet her very cool Eastern European friend Boris who also lives in the Bay Area. The other surprise of the evening was that Irina and the two of us work at the same company, just on different continents! The world really is strangely connected :-)
And all this happened thanks to the new Android Kit Kat launched this August!
Thank you, Droid mascots!

P.S.: Baby was very intrigued by Boris"s face, a very different type of beard&glasses than what daddy is sporting. This after not being able to make eye contact 3 days ago. Infants change so dramatically from one day to the next, it's like they have a big control board filled with hundreds of switches and lights that they turn on suddenly one at a time to keep you amazed!


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