Tummy time!

We've been holding Mara on our chests as much as possible since day one; the first 3 nights after coming back from the hospital we were so terrified of anything terrible happening to her that one of us was on duty at any point in time.

You can't really spoil the baby in the first three months anyway, and they thrive on that closeness: not only does it remind them of their in-utero life by the sound of the parent's heartbeat and their warmth, but it regulates the baby's body temperature and their blood sugar. The parent's rhythmic breath even reminds them to breathe!
Thus, Mara has been going through unofficial tummy time all along. But it's time to start some real world practicing!
We first tried cold turkey, and even though she was brave, that experience ended quite quickly. Thanks to Kazu and Miho, we had a cool Jungle Gym to practice on:

Then, we looked up how to ease into it, and found this really useful set of incremental steps to get there: http://mamaot.com/2012/03/25/tips-for-making-tummy-time-a-little-less-um-miserable/
So we went on and did the exercise ball which was a much bigger success:
 Mara had a great time, and a great workout as well!


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