Mara's liking the rocker chair!

This night was interesting, Mara slept much better than the previous weeks due to us discovering the rocker chair:

and how to successfully keep her asleep in it: we first put her to sleep on Greg's chest until she goes on deep sleep, state in which we call her Mamaligutza based on the Romanian name for polenta, because she is limp and mushy in this state, then transfer her to the rocker very slowly.

It also helps a lot that she is bigger now, has better epiglottis control and a bigger stomach to batch up the feedings more. Yet even though we got some continuous sleep spurts of 2.3h, 1.3h and 2.3h we both were finding it really hard to awaken and take care of her at 9am. Greg's theory is that our bodies are finally getting a glimpse at a full night of sleep and are desperately, but actively clinging onto every cycle of deep sleep that arises. Whole new type of zombie mode...


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