Things I want to remember from gymnastics (and yoga)

To practice proper handstand form, do a handstand against the wall with your belly towards it, close to or touching it. Try to touch your chin to the wall while looking down at your hands. Your ears should be hidden by your arms. Finally, try to go as high up on your arms as possible.

To practice a press handstand, do a press headstand. The form is to bring your body up first, then move the legs together.

To do a backflip, jump up really high and keep your arms straight (don't bring them out to your side) when you jump and then grab the front of your shins and tuck.

Keep your thumb on the opposite side of the parallel bars so that you don't slip, and start off keeping your arms straight, head level look forward but at the ground in the distance, and bend your body until you have the strength/support to swing higher.

This is from yoga, but whatever. To practice handstands, stand with your back facing a wall, then put your hands on the floor and walk your feet to the wall, then walk your feet up to the wall  until you are making somewhat of a right angle with your body, such that your arms are perpendicular to the floor. Just stay here. When doing the full handstand, think of a line going through your body holding you up, maintaining the same form as for gymnastics. I did this in class and felt absolutely no wobbling and like I could stay in the handstand forever, letting the line hold me up.

That's it!


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