
Showing posts from July, 2016

Shooting Bubbles at Gilroy Gardens

First time at Gilroy Gardens : gorgeous setting, sunny day, happy kids, and guns that shoot bubbles. A gun that makes bubbles. What could go wrong? Relax, you're in good hands. I dare you. Shoot me! Shot. Gaius: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Mara: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Gaius kept coming back here to see the waterfall, each time more enthusiastic.  Assassin stance. This was totally spontaneous, and to our knowledge she has not had exposure to these sort of toys before. Scary good.  Mara's very first ride on her own without a parent.  This ferris wheel turned out to be very high up - gorgeous view of the mountains. However, at the end of the ride they stopped us at the top for several minutes which was unnerving with this wiggly one trying to climb out. Very fun ride in rotating cups on the river. We were not sure if Gaius would sit strapped in on his own, but he did wonderfully!