
Showing posts from May, 2016

Gaius and Mommy 1:1

Gaius, dear, let's face it. You're not a baby anymore. In a matter of weeks you have turned from a warm cuddly huggy bear, albeit with sneak-attack octopus arms, into a highly opinionated sovereign. I'm talking about that haughty stance of yours when I'm holding you in my arms and you start showing me which way to go next. You don't point. I've understood by now that pointing is a tool of the uneducated masses, and you are far above that. You majestically raise your right arm, palm upheld to the sky as if saying: "Thus spreads my domain, and I shall travel to it in your arms. Presently." I'm talking about your dignified walk in the evenings, when we try to put your footie pajamas on. The sleeves make it onto your arms, then you immediately take off to check what Mara is doing in her room, the pajama's footies dragging gently behind you like a trailing royal cape. Hail, Gaius. Now, drop that diaper and start making you...

Happy First Birthday, Gaius! Watermelon Cake!

Gaius's first birthday was a cozy celebration within the family. The cake, his favorite treat: Watermelon! Gaius turns into an octopus with fast-moving tentacles whenever watermelon is around. I can sincerely say it must be genetically inherited from Mommy. Here's a photo log of the event, and some of his latest milestones. Gaius is 1! He's already acting the age: He is very opinionated about activities, locations, food, person playing with him etc. He has been walking all over the place with occasional hand-to-ground checks over the past week. Our threshold of officially walking  was 17 steps in a row, which he casually passed on his birthday repeatedly, yet somehow ensuring the performance is not caught on camera. Communication: more  (sign plus voice:  mah-mah ) , drink , ceiling fan , lamp , moon , and his all-time favorite: ball ( sign plus: bah) . The occasional sign for  please  also happens but it is unpredictable. This is of cours...