A Fond Nighttime Memory, How to Gain Happiness or Why Have Babies
Last night, Greg took the night shift. Mara had been waking up more often lately, especially after our trip to Florida. I was so happy to get a full night of sleep and recover after travelling. The morning brought even more happiness. This is Greg's account to me, on what had happened in the night. Around midnight, Mara thoroughly worked on a poopy diaper for Daddy, then called out for assistance. He went to her room to simply tell her to go back to sleep as on every other night, but soon after that he grasped what was going on. He picked the sleepy child off the bed and placed her on the diaper changing mat, which just happens to sport a very appropriate night-owl decoration. There was a gorgeous full moon that shone through Mara's window, and it cast a pretty pattern of light on the floor. Greg moved the mat with the bottom half in the light, and the top with Mara's head in the darkness. What happened next is probably worth skipping the details, but it involved t...