I stumbled across quite an interesting post about cultural differences in nursing babies, specifically between Kenya and the UK, by J. Claire K. Niala . I definitely recommend reading her entire post ( http://www.drmomma.org/2010/09/why-african-babies-dont-cry.html ). I'm selecting here some excerpts from her writing, and adding a little subjective discussion. My views could be way off since I've never gone through the experience myself, but shaping your opinions based on others' stories who have can definitely help. Side note: I love the paradox of posting on a blog to recommend mothers to stop reading books/blogs when trying to learn about their babies :-) When I went home [Kenya] , I observed. I looked out for mothers and babies and they were everywhere, though very young African ones, under six weeks, were mainly at home. The first thing I noticed is that despite their ubiquitousness, it is actually quite difficult to actually “see” a Kenyan baby. They are usually inc...